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This drawing is the product of a number of different techniques and consists of the following:

  1. A single line spiraling outwards. The spiral actually only has three vertices per 360° (in most of the drawings) but looks pretty round because of path smoothing.
  2. These path vertices have a variable amount of smoothing applied to them, depending on the distance from the circle's origin.
  3. There is an angle offset on these vertices depending on their distance from the circle's origin. This makes the corners look like they are spiraling outward, espacially those with a smaller smoothing factor.
  4. The coordinates of these vertices are then offset using OpenSimplexNoise. Causing more bumps and waves to appear.
  5. This whole graphic is dan duplicated and its coordinates offset a small amount to get the moiré patterns.

This video shows the drawing of the first spiral:

The drawing of the second spiral, together with the moiré patterns, can be seen on the video in this post:

One of the first versions of this sketch consisted of a number of seperate circles or polygons. The pen touches and leaves the paper to draw each individual circle and caused a dark line to appear:

chrome line

chrome line closeup

I didn't really know how to solve this one for a while without losing the variable amount of path smoothing. After reading through paperjs' documentation I found out its possible to change the path smoothing of individual path segments and thus enabling me to draw a single path while keeping the variable amount of smoothing.

© 2022 Mugenosu