
I'm a Brussels based programmer with a passion for generative art. I came in contact with Processing through my studies and quickly became interested in the concept of generating something visually attractive and unique each time a program is run.

More recently, I discovered the vibrant community of pen plotters. It's a lot of fun to be able to draw your artwork using fountain pens, markers or even paint brushes using scalable vector graphics instead of having to rely on high resolution images and professional print shops. Because I often struggle with having too much options it's also very welcoming to being limited to drawing lines only.

This site is mainly used for showcasing sketches and posting more information about them. Most of them are available to test out in the browser although it must be said they are pretty messy and I made few attempts to make them performant or easy to use so beware, they might freeze your browser. For fellow programmers the (also sloppy at times) source code for sketches and this website is also made publicly available on my Github.

© 2022 Mugenosu